
revamp [v. ree-vamp; n. ree-vamp] 1. to renovate, redo, or revise: We've decided to revamp the entire show.

Soon to be under construction. It's been a long time. I have decided to revamp with a whole new sense of direction in a seemingly directionless existence. There is more to come, with functionality and purpose.


Surfaces = Computers

Another example proving that the future is here, in design at least. I imagine an external world in which masses are addicted to mass transit. Pretty amazing.


Vintage Recommendations

Over the past few weeks it has become apparent to me that either people don't have the money to go out anymore or people just don't like going out anymore. Maybe people know the places I frequent and are currently avoiding me. A harsh assumption but it would be relieving to see familiar faces out and about. With summer time coming back around I hope that good friends do aswell. That being said I can definitely appreciate and understand the adventure of house parties or nights in. We need more movie nights. I admit that lately I have dropped the ball on several occasions but time needs to be made for movie nights. The last movie night I had will be noted in history books and timelines of human existence. Right up there with walking upright, using sharpened tools and the industrial revolution will be Dukes and I watching 70's and 80's films and drinking many a drink. Seriously, kids are going to read about this.

That being said, I have two recommendations for those special nights in watching movies. If you don't like horror or movies with brilliant entangled murder plots you're out of luck. I am not in the business of writing reviews or critiquing films simply because I have read too many reviews I disagree with or generally concluded to be a pile of shit. Also, there are countless times that reviews have ruined movies for me. Analogous to wine, you can right a book about it. You can talk about it's origin, tastes and characteristics. It doesn't mean a lot if you don't taste it. WATCH THESE MOVIES, even if you have already seen them.

Blood Simple (1984) Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen

This was Joel and Ethan Coen's first film and in my opinion a masterpiece.

The Brood (1979) Directed by David Cronenberg

Absolutely amazing for a movie drinking game. Try these.
Drink every time someone in the movie takes a drink.
Every time you see a turtleneck shout the name of a reptile. Last one come up with one has to drink.
Drink every time you see someone wearing a collared button up shirt underneath a sweater. (Horrid)
Drink every time someone says "daddy".
Go get another case of beer.
Come home and go to your closet. Put on a collared button up shirt and the ugliest sweater you own. Search the Internet for the same patterns of wallpaper in the movie. Contact me via this blog. I will come over and play the drinking game with you. I will bring my friend Dukes with me and we can laugh, cringe, and insert commentary together (as if we made the movie ourselves), for a small fee that is.



My one shot at The Big Time, stymied.

I have about five dreams a night when it's silent. Listening to the radio has become habitual for me so on the occasions that I do not it seems that a whole stream of strange ideas pop into my head. I was directing a music video, for whom I don't know. It was some new radio friendly, "punk" anthem band. Atypical to the poster boy concert footage, or shitty dubs and close-ups they had hired me to make a strictly animated video. I can't draw. Yet some how in the world of sleep I had achieved the goal of making a video they were satisfied with. It was a cartoon with character voiceovers throughout the song, of a raccoon, a monkey, and a weasel that had been kicked out of their parents' houses and were now wandering the city looking for their first jobs. All three unconcerned with this first shove into the world of responsibility, they cruised around in a Cadillac, trying to score some loot for cheap beer and weed. I kept asking the band if they were serious about the video, if it was what they really wanted. They couldn't stop talking about how "stoked" they were, or about how "sick" the video was. I was watching it after the final edits and didn't believe that I drew it. I knew that if it was released I had no future in the industry. It was a nightmare.


I need a movie theater that plays stuff like this.

Spent last night drinking vodka and watching movies. Normally after a couple flicks and a few drinks I just start to nod off. Not the case. Maybe it's this damn cold but probably more so that I am restless. While the world sleeps I sit with a tingling face and insert commentary over the subtitles of Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974). I still don't understand why the "spacemen" are not really men at all, their ape identities revealed after being wounded or killed, or the strategy of attacking Japan in the first place as opposed to some other country. Maybe a country lacking a lizard bad ass that rises from the sea and a known prophecy of a giant gremlin that has already thwarted foreign invasion. But apparently a production of that magnitude is in itself a masterplan (we'll work out the details later). Just have another vodka, it will make more sense. I imagine I would look and act that confident if I had a band of goons in tin foil suits and a cyborg, flying, fighting lizard.