
pie a zombie in the face

Is it just me or is it just that time of year? The holidays approach once again and I have dreams that in many ways look like waking life. Lots of red and green and flashing lights, excess consumption really only for the sake of itself but veiled in the spirit of giving. It is really easy to get caught in it all. Deer in headlights. What am I doing in this store again? I had a list. I wander around for awhile surrounded by the sights and sounds of crap I don't need only to leave empty handed. Or try to leave. This is where things begin to escalate against my will. As I walk from one aisle to the next the entire scene morphs slowly before my eyes. An enormous retail city spans out in all directions with a whole new, unique and unstable architecture. I realize that I have little chance of escape without a map. The scene grows much dimmer as I am enveloped in the vastness of it all. Trapped in a public place where all the aesthetic that draws me in has expired. The fluorescent lights look more like street lights. The walls once painted white are now cold brick giving the impression that I am in an alley. There are burning barrels. I realize who the monsters are. These dreams always have a carnival like aspect to them. There is always someone heckling and haggling, usually wearing a hat that is way, way over the top. Maybe missing a body part, maybe with an extra body part.

In contrast to the summer time, the time of year when the crazies come out and cause trouble, it is right about now that the "normal" ones come out to buy. The weather isn't very encouraging for going anywhere. But I suppose if you don't have any serotonin level it wouldn't make much difference to you. I strongly advise staying home this year and making a gift for at least one friend. Even if it is as simple as burning them a CD. You never really know what you will run into out there. Signing off, fromundertheovercast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been saying it nonstop for the past 3 days. Usually in a thick heavy voice carried on the back of a sigh
"I hate the holidays"
