
way to much of a good idea

Relieve me of the chaos. I had the privilege of attending one of the most mind numbing events of my existence today. Think kids, lots of kids. Lots of "parents" that would rather stuff their faces than pay attention to what kids are getting into. Lots of overweight, overenthusiastic, hideously dressed employees. The hokie-pokie.....errrrr. And lastly a giant rodent that invades your bubble in an attempt to be friendly but without second thought would be gushing blood inside that suit while I stand there with swollen knuckles. Yes, the grand opening of Chuck E. Cheese's. Right up my alley really. Then there is the little guy, half my height but looks just like me. Loved it, even though he wouldn't say boo to anyone, especially the rat. When the hokie-pokie started we had both decided that we were done. Any other 6 year old would be all about it, but he is just way too cool for it. I can't blame him. He is mature for his age and really just wants to hang out. It would have been just as fun if we were the only two there.

It's over. I survived. But I foresee a recurrence of this event. Count to ten. We'll make it.


no escape

Some strange dreams. Lots of dreams with rivers. In almost all of them I am in some sort of vehicle. This last time it was a green van. The driver was trying to smuggle me across the river because I was a fugitive. There was a woman with us that I have never met but I knew she was a fugitive as well. There was no mention of the events which had led to the three of us evading the law but the whole thing had an eerie yet desperate feeling to it. Almost like hopelessness.
I was on the floor behind the driver's side seat. I kept looking at him in the rear view mirror. He had curly red hair and bushy red eyebrows. The whole episode had overtones of green. An emerald green. I don't know what it could possibly represent, but the river was that shade, so was the van, and so was the driver's vest that he wore over a white and burgundy flannel. I have been trying to decide if he looked more like a fisherman or a school bus driver. He had sweat on his brow and I could tell he was breathing irregularly. He was afraid of us although I didn't understand why. The context was a mystery to me, but in the back of my mind I knew his anxiety was justified. I didn't feel like I had forced him to abate us against his will, but I knew he shouldn't have been there.
"The bridge is up here soon" he said, "'bout a mile."
The woman was in the passenger seat. She had long brown hair, mid 20's, very attractive. She looked back at me. The concern and compassion she conveyed to me made it evident that she loved me or at least at some time had loved me. At the same time I knew what the expression meant even before she said it.
"They're gonna be waiting for us up there."
"Why don't we just keep driving?" I asked. "We don't have to cross. We can stay on this side."
"They will be at the next crossing." she said. Why did we need to cross? I didn't understand and it was frustrating me. I could hear a train passing on the other side of the river. I looked out the window and saw it passing in the distance. The horn was the sound of impending doom.
"There it is," the driver said as we approached the bridge knowing that we had no alternative. It was a left turn onto the bridge. Has we made the turn shots were fired, riddling the side of the van. I got down on my stomach and looked toward the front of the van. Our driver had been hit. My fugitive partner reached for the wheel but it was too late. We hit the water. I panicked as I was submerged in green.

On another note, I added a playlist with a wide spectrum of audio enjoyment. Some heavy, some not so heavy. They are all my favorites for varied reasons. Some relaxing, some exhilarating, some just down right comical. But if Dio tells you to jump on the tiger, you know what to do. Just shut up and do it!


whiskey: the ultimate catalyst

Sometimes I am looking for items of importance that I lost or misplaced. Other times I am wondering what I lost or misplaced. Sometimes I misplace my apartment. I need to hire a guard that won't let me out of my apartment under any circumstances, the only trouble being how am I to make the income to pay such a person. Sometimes I swear, if I were a human torch, Eugene would go up in flames. Other times I wonder who would even notice.


Aesop's fables are to humans as humans are to...

Assuming that life forms from the vast number of other specks in the universe are far advanced in comparison to the human race, mentally and technologically, is it safe to say that within minutes or even seconds they could mastermind the logic problems and systems of communication that have become commonplace to us over the course of a few years, decades or even centuries? Seriously, any traveler from another planet would have such extensive knowledge of us at this juncture, our military, technology, theology, philosophy, history, geography... It would be looking over my shoulder right now thinking "man you're dumb" or "this subject is of extremely low intelligence, no threat of hostility or even intellectual thought."

Winded question posed, conclusion reached with no supporting point of view.

Then arises the ultimate argument against: why would they care? Do they feel empathy? Maybe they have enough knowledge of their own history to see us in the same situation now as they once were. World unrest, political upheaval and pollution. Sure, right, fine. They really have their own motives. Say for a moment Predator genuinely cared about what I am doing. He would start a blog and probably comment on mine.
"Went into the city today, killed a few cocaine dealers. Tried to get Danny Glover but he got away (damn he's good). After a hard day killin' and collecting trophies I came home, finished my necklace of skulls..."

The most likely scenario is that other planets are teaching their young "don't be like the humans" while others hunt us for sport.

Predator's infrared sensors would prove obsolete in catching the Governor. Instead he would simply use RSS feeds from FOX News and local Sacramento newspapers.