
It's like gambling without the gambling part.

Those of you out there that may actually take the time to look at this page may have thought that it was seasonally on the schnide based on the title or maybe thought that something horrible had happened to me based on the content. Neither is farther from the truth. The fact is that I am just lazy. Coinciding to my absence from this page was an absence from a semi-recent past time and an entertaining one at that: Monday night bingo at Sam Bond's. Although I didn't win a damn thing I did drink nine beers in the company of Q who always ups the comedic value, which is the whole reason for being there. Due to the events raising popularity and an influx of celebratory college frenzy we struggled to find a seat even though we were an hour and a half early. Fending off the horde after smoke breaks reminded me why I hate crowds and why I hadn't been there recently. Not to say I won't go back again, but I have not ruled out the proposition of bringing woodland creatures in a gunnysack to release on the crowd. Next time we seriously need to put a posse together, corner the bingo market. It's getting out of control.

1 comment:

fimbulwinter said...

to be fair, badgers are more of a high-desert/scrubland sort of creature...woodland, that'd be wolverines. A level up from badgers. Maybe we should start w/ minks or martins. Let me know-I have Monday off, and I think Muspelid Mart's open 'till 7.