
I got it! if we can change tokens for beer...

There are some people that just cannot handle crowds. I am going to go out on a limb by stating that frequently this inability to be civil and frankly, not be a douchebag is a direct result of alcohol. Other times it is a result of panic and misuse of authority. This case is an example of both. Party on.
I'll be the first to admit that I wanted to beat
up the rat, which probably would have incited violence, but really, what is going on in Flint Township, Michigan? I have never been there, but I hope for their sake this isn't an everyday occurrence, although according to reports there were two incidents on consecutive days. I am generally not concerned with acts violence or socially acceptable behavior, but you have to draw the line somewhere. If this doesn't cross your line I'm not sure anything could. If you're sliding in the direction of lunacy and you can't take the constant stimuli of children screaming and lights flashing, at least make it worthwhile and safe for the kids. Have another family member or close friend drive the kids home. When the kids are out of the picture then it's okay to take out the hostilities on others that are responsible for there own stupidity, namely stupid parents (make sure someone has taken their kids home too), the overweight stupid employees that can't shut up, and of course the rat. Still, it goes without saying that putting this plan into effect will still warrant response from the authorities, but at least it will be you that gets pepper sprayed and not someone else's children. I'm not going to look at this as the downfall of society in America. There's a load of other stupid human tricks that already have me convinced. But I must admit I'm baffled. I couldn't even write it like that.

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