

I love the saying "there are two sides to every story". Shit, last time I checked there weren't two sides to anything. The shortest distance between point A and point B is a Straight Line. That seems more valid even in a social context. Action, reaction. Besides, if there is only two people involved can you really call it a story. I am going to compile a list of stories with two or less characters to prove my point. But in the meantime, simple math.
How many people were witness to said "story". Insert number here: ___
That's how many sides there were. But we are beyond this fundamental point. Above it or below it? There is not enough time to realize that the first grade game of telephone never ended.
On the other hand, a circle has an infinite number of sides, Earth only has about 7 billion.


fimbulwinter said...

Shortest distance on the earth is described by an arc, a "Great Circle". I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...

Recently someone was approached and asked about coming to my house. They said they would never step foot in my house again because apparently I called him a 'monster' and Hannah voiced her never-ending hate for this person to someone who in turn told someone else who told someone else who told him......

Some people base their lives on the game telephone. Thankfully, he felt like a douche bag the next day.
