
Title:Giant Babies From Hell

I was driving up a winding road on the edge of a wooded hill. It was a sunny day. The glare on the windshield was almost too much to stand and was intensified by bright white untouched snow that covered the road, about twelve inches of it. Where did it come from? The weather and warmth from the sun provided no evidence of a storm in the recent past. What made the drive even more bizarre was that I was leaving behind the only evidence that the road had been traveled since the snow had fallen. I didn't know where I was going or why I was driving in such horrid conditions. The whole thing had Silent Hill feel to it, sort of. It was kind of like I had fallen and hit my head and didn't know who the hell I was anymore. Driving mad and disoriented. Taking a long winding turn I started to fishtail and then slid around in a circle into the ditch. I was stuck. Exiting the vehicle the snow got in my shoes. I was alone and there was virtually no hope of finding anyone else traveling that road. I decided I had to walk out. As I turned to start my ascent up this lost highway, I saw something very strange forming in the distance. It was a black cloud moving toward me. A small dense cloud that really looked more like black smoke. As it moved toward me it changed shape. It seemed as though it were alive. It loomed over me as I stood motionless next to the vehicle not knowing what to do. It was just a few feet above me, animate and producing a very low load sound. Rolling thunder. It took the form of what looked like cherubs joined at the torso. One right side up, the other inverted facing backward, like a playing card. They were very defined yet constantly reforming themselves, from the chaotic dark gas that rolled yet stayed in place. It was trying to escape into the atmosphere but being held in shape like smoke in a glass box. If they were angels I would hate to see what demons look like. The top one extended an arm from within the cloud and shot lightning out of its finger striking the car. The car disappeared and reappeared almost instantaneously in the middle of the road. The entire cloud vanished and I stood there next to the car freed from the snowy ditch. I wondered if I should get back in. Yeah, cheesy I know. I dare someone to give me their interpretation of it. What the fuck.

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