
new hobbies

Friends have been telling me for months that I need to find a new hobby or maybe just something to occupy my time. So at long last I have come up with a few things. If I were to mention any of the following to them they would probably respond with a "whatever" or "Dude that is totally not what I meant." Either way it is proof that I am entirely helpless. I mean come on, for fucks sake I have a blog.

Perfecting the laughter of various generic villains. The mad scientist, the Russian spy, the demon, the inbred redneck murderer, the crazy old man that no takes seriously...

Playing 8 bit Nintendo games that I never played as a child and explaining why you should stay the hell away from them unless you are easily amused. You should try Exodus unless you were the poor soul in the days of 8 bit that had parents that bought that one for you.

Surfing the web, looking at other people's blogs (go figure.)

Alright that's it, I'm going for a walk. Gonna see if I can get lost. If you see me don't try to stop me. I am way too busy coming up with new ways to waste my time.

1 comment:

fimbulwinter said...

Self destruction set to MIDI music. Keep it coming Mr. Chartreuse, I'll keep looking for a reason to stop you on the street.